viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

LEONOR DE AQUITANIA - Figures and Facts + Press Review

Aliénor d'Aquitaine / Éléonore de Guyenne
Eleanor of Aquitaine
LAROUSSE.FR - Aliénor d'Aquitaine

[1137-1152] REINA CONSORTE DE FRANCIA - LOUIS VII (1120 [1137-1180])
  • 1137 Jul 25 - Matrimonio
  • 1137 Dec - Coronación
  • 1152 Mar 21 - Anulación del matrimonio
[1154-1189] REINA CONSORTE DE INGLATERRA - HENRY II / Henri Plantagenêt (1133 [1154-1189])
  • 1152 May 18 - Matrimonio
  • 1154 Dec 19 - Coronación HENRY II
  • 1173–1189 - Prisionera
  • 1189 Jul 06 - Viuda

[1189-1199] REINA REGENTE DE INGLATERRA (durante Tercera Cruzada ) - En nombre de su 1er hijo RICHARD I / Richard Coeur de Lion (1157 [1189-1199])
  • 1192 Dec - RICHARD I capturado
  • 1194 Feb 04 - RICHARD I liberado
  • 1199 Apr 06 - Muerte RICHARD I
[1199-1204] REINA DE INGLATERRA - Junto a su 2º hijo JOHN / Jean sans Terre (1166 [1199-1216])

LEONOR DE AQUITANIA - Portrait Gallery

Aliénor d'Aquitaine / Éléonore de Guyenne
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of Henry II, Printed by Henry G. Bohn, 1856          Eleanor of Aquitaine (Or of Guyenne) Rides East with Her Husband Louis VII          Undated Depiction of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of English King Henry Ii     The Recumbant Eleanor of Aquitaine (circa 1122-1204)

Eleanor of Aquitaine with a Riding Companion          The Lion In Winter, Katharine Hepburn As Eleanor Of Aquitaine, 1968          Eleanor of Aquitaine and Isabella of Angoul? Led into Captivity by Eleanor's Husband Henry II

Eleanor of Aquitaine (circa 1122-1204): Portrait in Profile, Recumbant, and on Her Throne           Eleanor of Aquitaine          Effigies of Henry II Eleanor of Aquitaine Richard Coeur De Lion and Isabel D'Angoulesme

Effigy of Eleanor of Aquitaine (circa 1122-1204) Queen of France, Then of England          Effigy of Eleanor of Aquitaine (circa 1122-1204) Queen of France, Then of England          Plantagenet Tombs: Henry II(1133-1189) Eleanor of Aquitaine(circa 1122-1204) Richard I(1157-1199)

Effigy of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II          Effigy of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II          Effigy of Eleanor of Aquitaine  

ARTES ESCÉNICAS - TROVADORES (Troubadours - Trouvères / Troubadour)

2013 Dec 19 - LE MONDE - Troubadours chauds-au-coeur

A Troubadour Playing Lute, from the Early 13th Century Chantefable      Page from a Troubadour Poem in Italian and Provencal     Page and Troubadour of the 13th Century     A Troubadour, Detail of a Woodcut, Engraved by Georg Scharffenberg, from 'Der Todten Tanz',…
     Norman Troubadour and Barge     La Belle et le Troubadour     The Trouvere Adenes at the Court of Queen Marie of Brabant
The Troubadour's Entry

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

ANÓNIMAS 1/2 - CUENTO - Le Roman de Renart

Roman de Renart
The Romance of Reynard the Fox

Pierre de Saint-Cloud
Richard de Lison


          Le roman de Renart         

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

ANÓNIMO - El Cantar de Roldán

La Chanson de Roland / The Song of Roland

El Manuscrito de Oxford escrito en anglo-normando (de alrededor de 1170) es la base de todas las demás copias encontradas.